This policy describes how Power of Sphere (“us”, “we”, or “our”) collect, store, and use information about you applying to all of our apps on mobile devices.

If you disagree with this policy, please do not install or use our apps (uninstall it if you already installed it).

Information Collection

Your information may be collected at the start of using our apps. Personal data include, but are not limited to: country and region, email address, device information, and app use information. We use this data to optimize our apps, prevent fraud, and for marketing and advertising purposes. We may also collect information from advertising platforms and partners and other third parties such as information about purchases and interests.

The collecting information also includes how you use the app (such as which item and how much of them got used, levels attempted and purchases made) and any permitted information you grant when creating an account with us and connecting to your social network accounts.

We may collect and process the following types of information:

  • The time of yours using our app;
  • if you have left the app on a specific level or if you have cleared it;
  • the score you earned in levels;
  • the items you use, purchase, and/or own;
  • your interactions with us on our social media channels;
  • information as further set out in this Privacy Policy, including Social sharing features , Marketing and Advertising;
  • the type of your device, IP address, your app ID when using the app, and the country or region that you’re in;
  • if you choose not to connect to your social network accounts when using our apps, we may collect anonymous information as device level identifiers and other information described here.

We may ask for your approval to collect other information in some circumstances from you or your device. In this case we will inform you what information we collect, the reason why we collect it, and how we will be using that information.

We also may use the information collected for analysis reason on an anonymized or aggregated basis to develop products, analyze the performance of our apps, troubleshoot and enhance the quality of the apps.

Customer Services

Your information data delivered or provided directly to us in communications in terms of customer service and through its channels may be used. We may use such information to contact you and to manage your account and relationship with us to improve your experience with our apps and services.

Analytics and Research

We may collect information using analytics tools such as third party analytics tools to see how you use our apps or use our services. These tools may contain tracking technologies (e.g., identifiers). We may use your data for research and analytics purposes to engage with you directly. We may also create reports or similar interpretations for the purpose of research or business intelligence.

Social and Community

There are social and community channels we use to communicate with our users. We only receive your information if you choose to interact with these channels.


Our apps may include third party advertising for their products and services. We and our partners use your information to improve advertising and targeting to measure the relevant third party ads to show in our apps. Information we may have about you may include: ad identifiers and other non-personal information collected from your device, how you interact with our app, your age, country or region, gender, and other information collected from third parties with legal right to share it with us are used to make sure that you only see ads from us that might be of interest to you.

Advertising Partners

Non-personal identifiers and other information collected from your device when you use our apps may be shared with advertising partners in order to technically deliver ads to your device. Such information may be combined with collected information of our advertising partner to serve you with more relevant ads and to enhance the accuracy of their targeting. For more information we recommend that you read our partner’s privacy policy:

– Google:

We may use non-permanent, non-personal identifiers such as Android’s and Apple’s ID for advertising associated with your device, and similar technologies such as tracking pixels within ads to provide interest-based advertising. These technologies allow to recognize you and your device and to interact with a third party social network or platform.

Please note that our apps do not provide interest-based / personalized ads in any EU country.

Your Rights and Controls

Right of Access

For information on what data from you we collect and hold please contact us (

Information Scope and Correctness

If there is any information we hold about you that you would like to be corrected, please let us know at and we will make corrections.

You have the right to know and see what information we have collected about you, including:

  • The categories of information we have collected about you
  • The categories of sources from which the information is collected
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting your information
  • The categories of third parties with whom we have shared your information
  • The specific pieces of information we have collected about you

Data Deletion

You have the right to request that we delete the information we have collected from you (and direct our service providers to do the same). There are exceptions, however, stipulated in the relevant law. If you wish us to delete any information about you, please contact us.

Account Deactivation

You can deactivate your account you created in our app (if any) by contacting us.


Opt-out of all information collection by uninstalling our app.

You also have the option to opt-out of targeted advertising: Check ‘Opt-out of targeted advertising’ at your device privacy settings.

You can contact us at: